I am not a fashionable person. I wear what I want to wear, not that picky with the clothes. But when I had trip to Singapore last month, I saw this person in Orchard wore ombre denim jacket which I found beautiful. I've searched many stores but it's only my friend Dinda's online shop; We Are All Curious which sells them but too bad the jackets are sold out. Desperately, I finally bought a cheap denim jacket, and tried to make ombre denim jacket by my self!
The jacket turned out to be something I like, thus I want to share with you guys. :-)

The steps are easy. You just need denim jacket (of course!), bayclin, and water.
1. Pour the water and bayclin into bucket. I needed 5 bottle cap of bayclin.
2. The original jacket was too dark for me, so I decided to get kinda tie-dye and lighter the color first. If you just want to let the jacket color as it is, then skip this one :)
3. Make ombre by putting the half jacket first into water. After about two hours, put only 1/4 jacket into the bucket.
4. Don't forget to wash it, because the color might still fade off and I, personally, can't stand the smell of bayclin.

Don't you want to try also? :)
The jacket turned out to be something I like, thus I want to share with you guys. :-)

The steps are easy. You just need denim jacket (of course!), bayclin, and water.
1. Pour the water and bayclin into bucket. I needed 5 bottle cap of bayclin.
2. The original jacket was too dark for me, so I decided to get kinda tie-dye and lighter the color first. If you just want to let the jacket color as it is, then skip this one :)
3. Make ombre by putting the half jacket first into water. After about two hours, put only 1/4 jacket into the bucket.
4. Don't forget to wash it, because the color might still fade off and I, personally, can't stand the smell of bayclin.

Don't you want to try also? :)

My very first time dad letting me go abroad.. alone. Not to mention I met fella there and stay with them from evening to noon :P
It supposed to be me & my bro trip together but suddenly he got his left ear--somewhat--deaf because blood-frozen (is it true for the words?), so he's hospitalized. The doctor said it caused whether because his cholesterol was too damn high (he was only 21 btw!), or because the virus; ya know--if you borrow your friends' earphone and the shit go through your ear when you use that earphone. Until now he has to have hyperbaric therapy for 10 times. Scary, I know.
But Singapore was good, being alone in MRT and the street was great. The weather was a bit sucks I must say, we got rain & storm when in Sentosa island. But the best part was--stores are on sale! I got buy 1 get 1 Sephora lipstick, a $19 jeans from Forever21, a $17 shirt from H&M for the boyfriend, and even 3 Nuttela & Go for $10. I bought many things I didn't expect before my shoulder hurt so much to bring them--literally!
And the question Valeska asked the last time I met her stuck in my head, "Abis ini mau weekend getaway ke mana lagi, Lak?" #pecahcelengan #cukupbuatkeancol

shut your eyes
heal your pain
this very moment you let it go
this very moment you forget it out
because this finally ends
and tomorrow can wait
breath in
breath out
let's sleep
Thank you for the lyrics that help me go through the darkness, sir.
I'm (still) not lost, and I have been discovered.
(too bad you didn't sing that song)

What's the worst about holiday? We all know the answer: when it ends.

Sometimes I'm nervous when I talk
I shake a little
Sometimes i hate the line I walk
I just want to show you what I know
And catch you when the current lets you go
Or should I just get along with myself
I never did get along with everybody else
I've been trying hard to do whats right
But you know I could stay here all night
And watch the clouds fall From the sky
Because this river is wild
God speed you boy
This river is wild

Perubahan adalah satu kata yang, tergantung bagaimana situasinya, bisa menjadi makna yang sangat besar dan kompleks. Berubah, atau hanya mengikuti alur yang berubah, ketika yang dilalui tidaklah hal yang sama seperti sebelumnya, menjadi suatu perubahan bagi diri kita.
Saya sejujurnya terkadang sangat takut dengan perubahan. New things always excite me, but to deal with transformation sometimes scared me. Meninggalkan yang lama. Perubahan berarti menyesesuaikan diri lagi. Memiliki lingkungan baru. Mendapati teman baru. Menghadapi masalah baru. Yang mungkin, belum pernah saya alami sebelumnya. Bagaimana nanti kalau begini? Bagaimana kalau nanti begitu? Bagaimana kalau gagal? Berbagai macam pertanyaan yang tidak bisa dijawab karena saya belum menjalaninya.
But, life goes on. If your life stuck at a point, there must be something wrong with it. Dan dalam hidup memang dibutuhkan suatu petualangan yang memang menuntut untuk mampu melalui berbagai perubahan.
You can't just let your fear prevents your dreams and/or what you deserve to have, because you don't know what future brings you into. Hmm, I really have to deal with this. A new thing, a new home. A new soul, a new journey.
I don't know whether he's getting too old, or we stay young, but the Born and Raised album is supposed to listen in the porch while having a cup of hot tea in your late 40s. You look back at your life, remember what you've done; your failure, your success, your fault, your regret, your disappointment; but at your age--with what you've been through, you know all you can do is just letting it go, and move on.
So after all the brokenheart and galauness songs in Battle Studies album, he wants to tell us to move on and look deep at our life, and, somehow just live it. He might lose his youth soul. The album is so country and folk, he can even have duet with Tantowi Yahya. I'm not saying the album is bad, it's just, I don't listen John Mayer songs the way I used to.
I have to add his first single, Shadow Days, has beautiful lyrics. The most beautiful ever. I love it from the first sentence to the last were amazing. His thought was brilliant, and you can love it at the first time you listen it. But while you listen to the whole album, you might feel like, "was that really you, John?".

remember what he said in Stop This Train song,
So scared of getting older,
I'm only good at being young
He might just too scared,
and force us to be old with him.
But, youth is just a matter of mindset. The youth soul live forever no matter what your age is.
We can be forever young though.
It's just how you choose you want to live your life with.
but then again, who am I to judge?
So after all the brokenheart and galauness songs in Battle Studies album, he wants to tell us to move on and look deep at our life, and, somehow just live it. He might lose his youth soul. The album is so country and folk, he can even have duet with Tantowi Yahya. I'm not saying the album is bad, it's just, I don't listen John Mayer songs the way I used to.
I have to add his first single, Shadow Days, has beautiful lyrics. The most beautiful ever. I love it from the first sentence to the last were amazing. His thought was brilliant, and you can love it at the first time you listen it. But while you listen to the whole album, you might feel like, "was that really you, John?".

remember what he said in Stop This Train song,
So scared of getting older,
I'm only good at being young
He might just too scared,
and force us to be old with him.
But, youth is just a matter of mindset. The youth soul live forever no matter what your age is.
We can be forever young though.
It's just how you choose you want to live your life with.
but then again, who am I to judge?
Mengerikan tidak sih membayangkan betapa banyak orang di Indonesia ini terlihat sangat kurang kerjaan? Hal-hal yang tidak penting dan tidak sepantasnya digubris, dijadikan pekerjaan baru sebagai pengisi waktu luang. Mencari-cari kesalahan, mengarang-ngarang alasan, membuat-buat keadaan, sehingga rasa yang tersisa hanyalah menjijikan.
Generalisir adalah satu hal yang saya tidak suka. Kalau satu begini, yang lain juga begini. Tidak bisa begitu lah. Itu juga alasan mengapa kita diciptakan berbeda-beda. Mengapa Indonesia menyuruh kita untuk bersatu dalam perbedaan. Karena kita berbeda, tidak sama, dan tidak bisa disama-samakan.
Kenyataan bahwa banyak orang di Indonesia ini "terlalu peduli" dengan sekitar juga sangat mengganggu. Whatever it is you do, you're always wrong, and people always judge. Kita tidak diberi kesempatan untuk menjelaskan keadaan. Tidak diberi waktu untuk sekedar dimengerti.
It's your life that you are living in. Jangan pernah terlalu mengurusi hidup orang lain, karena pada akhirnya, your life that counts.
....or am I too careless?

"Hope isn't something you create,
it's something you let inside,"
- John Mayer ♥

I want to live my life to the fullest instead.
happy new year.
goodbye, 2011.
please take away my surrender and sorrow with you.