happyy birthday to my only brother, Bima Natawilaga. he's 17 and legal. one year older now, one year smarter now, one year bigger now --tapi jangan tinggi-tinggi ya dek, sekarang aja udah beda 20cm-an hiks, one year closer to all your wishes. ayo ayo belajar yang bener biar lulus dengan nilai bagus dan masuk universitas yang diinginkan biar ayah sama ibu juga ikut seneng :) jangan pacaran mulu, bikin sirik aja hahaha.
I was the one you always dreamed of,
You were the one I tried to draw.
How dare you say it's nothing to me,
Baby you're the only light I ever saw.
I'll make the most of all the saddness.
You be a bitch because you can.
You'll try to hit me just to hurt me,
So you leave me feeling dirty cause you can't understand.
We're going down and you can see it too.
We're going down and you know that we're doomed.
My dear, we're slow dancing in a burning room.
(John Mayer - Slow Dancing in a Burning Room)