New Friend

By Lalla Pratami - Senin, Oktober 13, 2008

finally I bought another lomo camera, diana+, one of my wishlist hehe. I decided to buy the edelweiss one but it's a lil bit fucking hard to find it since everybody has became lomo-addict. toh beli yang biasa juga mampu menghemat pengeluaran sebanyak 160ribu hehehe :P

i bought this diana+ from a girl named Marsella, she told me that she wanted to sell her diana+ just because her father has just bought her a DSLR so she didn't use it anymore. we met up at Senci at 12 then we had the transaction. after I (finally) got the diana+ I went to Hey, Folks to bought the roll 120mm ectacolor exp 09/2007 for the camera.

and I've found a name for this diana+, Arusha. Arusha in hindi or sansk means the sun (taken from, oh tentu saya memang sangat niat mencari nama hahaha) I just cant wait to playing with him, capturing lot of times and moments, and seeing the photos! :dance: :dance:

in case you wanna see the picture of me and Arusha (huehehehe, narsis tetep):


so? how do we look? cool eh? :P

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  1. keren nyet!
    foto gue pake itu dooong hahah

    lala :
    guenya yang keren yak? haha ayo2 :)
