
British Obsessive

By Lalla Pratami - Minggu, Oktober 25, 2009

I was about ten years old when JK Rowling shared her imaginations about that wizard boy. As a kid, I could live in that story. I could feel how it's living in Hogwarts, learning magic, or fighting with Voldemort. Even when I was alone, I acted AS IF I was one of Hogwarts student.

Couple years later, Harry Potter finally was on movie. I was amazed with the cinematography. UK is awesome. Beautiful. You named it. I even can't find the right word to explain how amazing UK is. Then, couple years later, my uncle married a British woman. He and his wife went to England to had a wedding party. He's back with lot stories; He said 'Hogwarts' really does exist, he even had a party there. He also showed me England's pictures. I was shocked. UK is really beautiful. Indeed. Since then, I really want to go to UK.

Most of my favorite music are from British. The Beatles, Coldplay, Oasis, Keane, Blur, James Morrisson, Radiohead, Ash. Sometimes the first reason I hear new music is just because they're from British. Once again, just because they come from UK.

Please don't hate me because I don't think that French is the sexiest accent in this world. British accent is. I always buy DVDs, spontantly, after I read that the movie is British, or at least the actor speaks with British accent. Everytime I watch movie with British accent in it, I repeat it. I repeat what the actors say, try to learn how to speak with British accent. Yes, I wish I could speak with british accent.

Two of my favorite actors are from British; Jim Sturgess and Jude Law. Why? Simply because they have the accent. It sounds sexy in my ears, beside they're indeed sexy too.

And about a month ago, a friend of mine told me about this series. Skins. It's a British series, she said, so that I was too curious to watch. Since the series didn't and still doesn't play in here, Indonesia, I have to look for the DVD. The other day, I went to DVD stores and had to squat down and crawl on the floor looking for the DVD. The shopkeepers didn't put the DVD on the 'eye-catching' place.

When I got home, I watched Skins. This series is--addictive. Nothing to say more. I was too excited to hear the british accent from the actors, the story, and the scenery of Bristol. It's more than beautiful. It's amazing. I felt like I wanna jump into television to be there. To live there. Or just visit there--and taking lots pictures.

and Oh, week ago, Luke Pasqualino, one of Skins cast, my most favorite cast, the cute one, with curl lips and sexy eyes, sent me message on facebook. I almost fainted when I read this.

How could I not want to go to UK?

I was not to not trying to go there. I asked my mom like billion times but she doesn't let me go. I looked for scholarship, but still can't find for in-college-students. Even there's a saleswoman still terrors me, forces me to join her 'Go-to-UK-for-months' but I should sell my Dad's car to join it.

As times fly, I still only dream living in UK. My mom said, if you dream it, dream it to the fullest. Maybe God still wants me to live in Indonesia. but maybe someday, two years later.. or more.. I could live there. Take my bachelor degree or whatever. This is just about the game of life. This is me, my dream, and how I find the pathways to win this part of game.

And if you need only one sentence the reason why I really want to study in UK, I find one.
I'm obsessed with British.
Enough said.

Kompetisi Blog EducationUK

photos all edited by me, taken from deviantart and google.

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  1. wuaa is it any good, ka? jadi pengen nonton skins. hmmm.. mirip" gossip girl gitukah?

  2. VEWRY GOOD! hmm.. lebih seru sih kalo kata aku, mengingat GG lagi gak keruan hehe. yang pasti lebih "merakyat" dari GG.

  3. woh,uk lg ngadain competiblog juga ya?

  4. Good luck Lalla :D
    setuju bgt! British accent is the sexiest accent in this world :p

  5. agree! british accent is the sexiest!
    ah yes, i'm obsessed with UK too.

    good luck though!

  6. yess, thankyou! even I'm hopeless here. haha.

  7. hmm.. curious, what email did you write him?
