
Lari di: Singapore

By Lalla Pratami - Jumat, November 29, 2013


I'm not a runner. I'm just a person who wants to exercise more. Running is one of the 'easiest' thing to do. Since I also love to getaway, one of the thing to make me cemunguddhh to exercise is by running while I travel. It's so much fun to run in a new place, different scenery, unknown people (or people you only meet while you travel--hello, mbak Ajeng makasih udah nemenin lari!), and definitely new route. So, last September, I went to Singapore for weekend getaway, and ran for 2 days in a row. Super fun!

It is indeed a very pleasant time to run from Gardens By The Bay to art & science museum (too bad I didn't take pictures), or morning run near the hotel and surprisingly found beautiful lake with fresh air-- where no pollution and tukang asongan!


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