
Monokrom Berbicara in PAPERNOISE

By Lalla Pratami - Kamis, Desember 08, 2011

PAPERNOISE is a free local zine made by my two friends, Dzaki and Kibot. In their very first edition, they featured my photoset titled "Monokrom Berbicara" as Artwork, with a little prologue by me.

Online version of PAPERNOISE can be read here.
And you can also ask for paper version to me. I still got some ;)

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  1. aku mau dong lak, masih ada ngga?

  2. masih banget! nanti bantu bagi-bagi ke temen kamu juga ya mbak tarrr :p

  3. sik asik! kalo kita ketemu, dibawain yaaaaw.
